I am going to try to catch up on a first big moments that have occurred in Adalyn's life this month.
The first week of February held several first for Adalyn. She went to her friend Stella Robinson's house, first time at her future school-North Daviess Elementary, visited Grammy at the Court House, and hung out with the McBride girls and Collin Lengacher. Although, this wasn't a first, I want to share her visit with Great Grandma Jones-White.
On Feb. 7th, my baby was two months old.
On Monday, the 8th, it was time for Adalyn's two month shots. Here's a picture of her before her appointment, she had no idea what was coming-poor thing.
Well, let's say, Mommy cried and Daddy stood behind the nurse. Of course, Adalyn had the initial cry of pain, but after some soothing from Mommy, she went fast to sleep. Thank you, Lord. I was nervous about the days to come-watching for any abnormalities, but she was such a tough, little girl. By the way, she weighed 10 lbs. 7 oz. 22 in. long.
Tuesday, the 9th, was another big day- Adalyn took the bottle without any trouble. To be honest, I may have pouted a bit. I sat in the dining room, observing, while Jared gave her the bottle. My face expression must have given me away- I was a bit depressed. Jared started laughing. I know it is selfish, but I love being the one that has to feed her. When she took the bottle so easily, it was like she didn't need me or HAVE to HAVE ME. In reality, I know that I am extremely lucky because like it or not, I will be returning to work the first of March. Knowing that when it comes to feeding time and it not being a screaming section lessens my anxieties.
I love having all these moments with my little girl(well I could probably do without the shots), but I will savor them for as long as I live. She is already my best friend.